Friday, February 20, 2009

Film is not dead after all. Who knew?

After a little bit of drama that can be a part of ebay/craigslist transactions, I now have my first SLR camera (notice the missing D). A few of my favorite photographers in the world only shoot film so I decided to try my hand and picked up a Nikon F100. The first thing I noticed was how it totally has changed my approach to the process of taking photos. No longer do I fire off 10 pics in a row and choose the best one or not worry if a photo is a little over or under exposed. Instead, shooting film forces me to choose very carefully the photos I take with no instant gratification due to not having the LCD screen. Each shot also costs me money for film and developing. I have to say that there is a learning curve especially not having too much control over white balance and ISO on the fly. I also still find myself constantly checking the back of the camera after each shot out of habit. In all I'm very excited about the new venture and the different quality of photos that film offers. Below is the very first photo I've taken with my F100 with no editing other than desaturation. This could get seriously addicting. Dang you Leo and Jonathan! :)



Chipmonkey said...

Oh awesome :) This turned out beautiful. I've been meaning to take my SLR out for a ride for months but have yet to do it! My little Pentax is lonely.

Jonathan Canlas said...


welcome to the dark side.

Amy Nieto said...

Welcome to the AWESOME Dark Side. The one with celluloid, dangerous darkroom fumes, possible cupcakes. Not the... dying out in deep space kind of dark side. We dont want that one.

I feel you on the taking a diff approach to photography with film. I only used film in college, buying a DSLR once I graduated. I became sloppy and picked up bad habits. I am glad I am re experiencing my darling film once again.

Okay, so we need to have a film field trip.... who's with me.

Ryan said...

I just had a million Star Wars quotes come into my head but I'll spare you all because something tells me you all already know how entrenched I am in geek-dom.

The only film camera I've ever used before this was a cheap point and shoot 35mm so experiencing a film SLR is fun. I've toyed with the idea of renting a medium format camera (I know Leo uses a wicked awesome Hasselblad). But I shouldn't get ahead of myself..I'm just too dang excited about this discovery!

Thanks everyone for sharing in my excitement. I only wish I could attend your seminar, Jonathan. Maybe next year. My Darkroom One class starts at Newspace (a community photography school, of sorts) next week so that is some consolation.